Grand Detour Art Fair

Art Fair clean up Details

Sept. 8, 2024
4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
3 Volunteers Requested
3 Spot(s) Left

Event Description:
GRAND DETOUR Art Festival includes music, food, and a display of art work for awards. Attendance is about 3000 people. For this event, assistance is needed to clean up the area after the event has finished. This would include putting away chairs, helping artists tear down their booth, and other duties as needed.

Special Notes:
minimal disassemble of the event. Casual, comfortable attire

8334 South Clinton Street
Phone Number: +1 (815) 994-0238

Supervisor Information:
If you have any questions about this volunteer opportunity, please contact Dianna Brevitt by Email listed below.
+1 (815) 994-0238

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