Open Door Community Church

Sunday School Assistant for Worship Service Details

March 31, 2024
10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
2 Volunteers Requested
No Spots Currently Available

Event Description:
Sunday, March 31 is Easter this year! Easter is a family worship service, which means the kids will stay in the service with their families0 We still need your help to pass out Kids' worship bags (which will have snacks and quiet activities to keep them engaged), sit with kids who may not be able to sit with their parents (because their parents are doing something else as part of the worship service), and to put out Easter eggs for an Easter Egg hunt after the service0 Once the Easter Egg hunt is done, we'll also need your help to gather and put away the eggs and baskets used.

Special Notes:
We don't have a set "dress code." People dress comfortably and casually, so wear whatever you’d like, but remember you'll be playing with kids, so it'd be best to wear something easy to move around in.

1705 6th Ave
Phone Number: +1 (815) 625-1288

Supervisor Information:
If you have any questions about this volunteer opportunity, please contact Rachael Swihart by Email listed below.
+1 (815) 625-1288

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